| 何于凡 <fishball0803@gmail.com> |
Taipei_Consul@mzv.cz <Taipei_Consul@mzv.cz> | 2013年7月12日下午3:52 |
收件者: fishball0803@gmail.com |
Dear Ms Ho,
I am very pleased to inform you that your application for long visa to Czech Republic for the purpose of study has been approved.
To collect your visa you please call as and arrange a meeting in our office at your earliest convenience. With regards to the insurance policy, the applicant must present the health insurance contract (certificate) including proof of payment (!), which validity must be for all the period of the study (minimum from 12.09.2013 to 05.02.2014 andit must not be shorter!).Please visit the website to learn all rules which must be followed:
In the event that insurance is in a foreign language the translation into Czech is required.
To obtain the insurance from Czech insurance company which is already in czech language and follows all conditions prescribed by the Czech law, we can recomend you to visit https://www.maxima-as.cz/online_cizinci_add.php?language=en
or http://online.slavia-pojistovna.cz/online-komplexni-zdravotni-pojisteni-cizincu
After your arrival in CR you are supposed to visit the departmet of Alien Police with your passpport within 3 working days ato fulfill your obligation to report the place of residence in Czech Republic.
With best regards
FRANTISEK BELOCH CONSULAR AND VISA SECTION ------------------ CZECH ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL OFFICE TAIPEI 7F, NO.200, KEELUNG ROAD, SEC.1, TAIPEI, TAIWAN R.O.C. 11071 Tel: +886 2 2722 5100 Fax: +886 2 2722 1270 email:taipei_consul@mzv.cz --- www.mzv.cz/taipei ---
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2013/07/12 收到捷克台北辦事處來信通知可以領取學生簽證了!!!
SLAVIA pojišťovna
在網路上找到有部落客分享如何辦理Maxima的保險,就選擇辦他了 :)
總共有三個表格要填,記得都要用英文填寫,詳細的保險購買程序可參考下方Chih 的部落格。買完保險後,最後系統會帶出一份捷克文的保單,將保單印下來,第一頁下方有一個表格Podpis pojistnika的地方處簽名,保險就買好囉。
捷克 ‧ 學生簽證所需之保險事宜 by chih
2013/07/15 12:05 線上保險購買完成
2013/7/25 領取簽證